Initiative RAIN
The RAIN Act has the purpose of establishing Government Infrastructure for CAM patients.
CAM Patients
"There is no provincial legislation that prevents patients from accessing Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in BC."
"With regard to access to alternative care for mental health patients, I can assure you that the Ministry of Health (the Ministry) and health authorities support integrated services that are patient-centred and promote hopeful and recovery-oriented approaches to assist people living with mental illnesses."
"With respect to supporting alternative approaches to cancer treatment, many British Columbians access CAM during their treatment, or as part of their post-treatment wellness plan. The BC Cancer Agency (BCCA) provides evidence-based information about CAM to patients and their families and encourages them to speak with their health care provider if they are considering using these treatments."
- BC Ministry of Health
for Honourable Terry Lake, Minister (2015)
to Executive Director Emily Isaacson
R.A.I.N. Act
R.A.I.N. stands for Rainbow Advocacy and Interventions in Naturopathy. The purpose of the R.A.I.N. act:
To establish a civil conscience in regard to healing, and how it is played out, offered, and received in clinical and hospital settings.
To defend the interests and rights of holistic patients, including children.
To protect the rights and methodologies of naturopaths who recommend another form of treatment than conventional medicine.
To create a holistic infrastructure that supports wellness that is not coerced, but chosen by the patient.
To offer HVI trained advocates as a means of collaboration and communication, for the purpose of forming a holistic team of healthcare providers for each patient.
To offer a joint program between conventional and natural medicine that allows patients to take supplements prescribed by their naturopath in hospital (currently not allowed).
To offer a holistic team effort to treat patients that will allow them to receive the help and medication they need without compromising their convictions.
To promote the use of the Rainbow Program in preventing and managing disease by holistic nutritionists, naturopaths, and health professionals (a standardized form of nutrition counsel offered through HVC since 2006).
To apply the principles of restorative justice to holistic medicine, as an alternative to legal proceedings such as panel reviews.
To ban mental health certification of holistic health professionals.